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Tellington Training on You Tube

There are many video's of both TTeam™ and TTouch™ on You Tube.  

To get you started we have listed  just a few of those available. Click on title of your choice to view.



Demonstration of TTeam on Horses

​TTouch for a Mare Nervous Under Saddle

​Solving Riding Problems with TTEAM

​Earning the Trust of a 3 year old Percheron/Arab/TB/Andalusian cross named Knick Knack with TTouch


Companion Animals

Unleash your Dog's Potential

​TTouch for Cats

​TTouches on a Dog who cannot walk

​TTouches on a reactive Dog

​TTouch for Birds

​TTouch Transformation for Alf the fearful rescue dog


Wild or Zoo Animals

TTouches on Wild Animals (Tropical Inc) 

​TTouch on Skunks 

​TTouch on an African Snail

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